
viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Security and privacy on the Internet at the hands of users

What is the destination of the information daily on the Web and we have control over how our data?
The Diario Ti journals says :
" The use of this information is generally described in the terms and conditions of websites. Therefore it is necessary to inquire, to know the privacy policies and what implications, and to know what options are available to have control over the information we share and receive through web sites."

Kim Dotcom complaint to the FBI to clone your hard drive without permission of the judge

Megaupload founder, Kim Schmitz better known as 'Dotcom', denounced the U.S. FBI to copy the contents of him hard drive, which seized him after his arrest, without permission from a judge.

85% of the world population will have mobile internet access high...

Ericsson presents its Second Report and Traffic Market - On the Pulse of the Connected Society, which reveals that by 2017, 85% of the world population will have 3G coverage.

Internet opinion of my friend

He said

"In my opinion, relationships on the internet sometimes can be helpful or they can be sometimes a total disgust.
I think it can be very helpfully to know people around the world and learn something about their foreign life, their habit, food and some other things about their country and by the way you make a new friend. On the other hand you can “touch” with some type of people on the internet that can make you feel very sad or angry; some people use the internet just to insult other ones making them feel a bad experience.
Other disgusting people around the internet are the two-faced people, they show you a “face” that isn’t the one that they really are, I mean, they don’t show they real “face”, the bad thing or the worst moment of this type of relationships are when you discover that, the person who is a the other side of the chat isn’t really showing their real “face”.
Finally I think that making friends on the internet don’t make any sense, I prefer to meet people in person, talking with them face to face, this is my opinion but  I think too everyone is free to make friends like they want to or like they can."


Nowadays,the internet has changed our lives.everybody know the internet and they know to use it.I am in favour of the internet becuase it is an useful invention. - on the one hand, one advantage of using the internet is that you can download music and send e-mail( messages).another advantage is that you can look for information.(speak with yout friend). in addition you can chat with you friends or with you family. on the other hand the internet is dangerous because children can find sex in the websites. - people who are against the internet says that it can be addictive anda it is very expensive. but i don´t agree with finish, i think that if you know how to use it, it is an useful device.

Investigate the solvency of Facebook users

Social networks offer an incalculable flow of information on groups and individuals. The Schufa, the German agency that studies the credit history of the population, has decided to use it and announced its intention to use Internet data to assess the creditworthiness of persons, with regard to the granting of any claims or contracts, a policy which hopes to increase the accuracy of the information.

FBI is concerned that the arrival of IPv6 will complicate your network monitoring

This June 6 officially starts operating worldwide IPv6, the new Internet communications protocol, it will allocate new IP addresses. Since 1981 he had been using IPv4, allowing a total of 2 ^ 32 addresses, which are already almost sold out, making it necessary to implement the new system that allows 2 ^ 128 addresses, which should reach for future years and to be internet connect washing machines, cars, microwaves, smartphones, etc..

The sexting is increasing among teens

A study by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre in England says Britain 38% of boys between 11 and 17 have received text messages or e-mail with sexually explicit content and that 40% of girls aged 14 and 15 years did not see anything wrong with topless picture taken

Gmail returns to him normality after many errors of accesibility

After some hours of service failure, Google finally  to the people announced that its Gmail should be working. He was have errors of accesibility last morning

New IPv6

Yesterday , the new IPv6 was born to internet. Every IPv4  be removed, because internet don't have too capacity to save more IP for more people